October 27, 2016

Lakers Win...Super Bowl?!?

Tucked in behind game 2 of the worlds series was last night's impressive start by the young guns of the Lakeshow. Timothy Mozgov seems worthy of that Mozgov Level Cheddar (MLC), D'Angelo Russel appears to be recovering from that incident where he injected ice into his veins and Nick Young seems surprisingly OK with the fact that D'Angelo Russel ruined his life. Who would have thought that a team coached by Mike D'Antoni that features James harden for 40 minutes/game would have put up such a soft defensive effort.

With a young nucleus of talent, a sought-after coach and a strong opening game Lakers fans are scrambling to figure out what it all means. Are we legit? Started from the bottom now we here? DID WE JUST WIN THE SUPER BOWL?!?!?! That's right Los Angelinos, I too went to bed last night thinking that the Lakers may have just won the epic confrontation between AFC and NFC champions only to be hit up side the head by Julius Randle's sobering commentary.

"It's just one game. It's not the dang Super Bowl." -J. Randle

Wow. Thank you Julius for bringing us back down to Earth. The second-year player is certainly showing patience and maturity beyond his years. It must be the steadying influence of Meta World Peace. 

"Both teams played hard...goodnight and godbless."

1 comment:

  1. The steadying influence of meta world peace is one hell of a thing. Maybe this year he will punch single digits of people.
