"I’m like oh my god, what do I do? I was like, I got Dwight here and I got Chris in the other room and I’m talking to them back and forth. So finally I had to just pull Dwight in the bathroom and tell him he needs to go home. I was like I’m really sorry, I really like you, but this isn’t the time or place. When I pull him in the bathroom, he pulls his pants down, I was like, whooa. Yeah, and so I ran and started screaming …"
Oh hey! Well done Dwight Howard, I mean you can't disagree with his methods...usually in any confusing or stressful situation I just pull down my pants and things work out. But I guess it didn't quite work out for Dwight, since he got screams and rejection. I bet Peja Stojakovic feels pretty good about himself right now since after brandishing his wang to a pornstar he got a "great cock" acknowledgment on twitter. The underlying weirdness of this whole thing is the dude from N'Sync, what the hell is that guy doing messing things up for the defensive player of the year? Now I'm no hot chick or anything but I'm just saying that if I had to choose between these dudes its sort of a no-brainer, just saying. Anywhoo the NBA's leading blocker just got c-blocked by mop-top and out wanged by long-ball Peja, superman my ass. Is this story real? I dunno, she says she has evidence. NBA players and porn stars...lol.
"Both teams played hard...goodnight and godbless."
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