Consummate professional, and sometimes captain of the Goldenstate warriors, Stephen Jackson has had his trade demands met as the Warriors are sending him and Acie Law the IVth (bitches!) to the Bobcats for Raja Bell (so annoying) and Vlad Radmanovic. Well, that's cute. I'm sure Larry Brown can't wait to have Steven Jackson in his locker room. The Cats will be a weird team if they start Jackson, Wallace, and Diaw (three natural small forwards)so I guess it will be "interesting" to see what they do with that. Or not since its the Bobcats. Meanwhile I'm sure Flip Murray is glad to finally have a teammate that will run up in the stands and kill some fools if he leads the way. You know he's thinking about it...he's fricking Flip Murray.
"Both teams played hard...goodnight and godbless."
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