The Wallstreet Journal attempted to ruin my life this week by publishing a breakdown of exactly how much actual football happens in an NFL game. Unfortunately in a 3 hour game there is only about 11 minutes of actual football being played. That is a depressingly tiny proportion! Some might say that this is a huge argument for TiVO and/or just watching replays after a game. But in reality this stat is meaningless. I have way more than 11 minutes of fun when I watch football....the game is an event and it gives you time to eat, time to make jokes, time to take a piss etc. More importantly a huge part of the excitement of each play is the posturing and anticipation, watching the defense lineup and adjust, reading audibles etc. If the game was just constant play after play I'm not sure I would be able to follow it, and it might give me a seizure. In any case any sports fan will tell you that its fully worth it to sit through three hours of on and off action to see the music city miracle , Big Ben to Santonio in the corner, the David Tyree catch, "the drive" by Elway (pictured), Dyson fall a yard short...the list goes on. I would sit through 12 hours of the coaches arm wrestling in their underwear just to see any one of those plays. What can I say? I love sports, and I love football...every single minute of it.
"Both teams played hard...goodnight and godbless,"
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