So two Cleveland Indian products will go head to head tonight to kick off a world series between the defending champs (hate them) and the evil empire (hate them more). Everything points to this being a great series and one that is extremely tough to call. Popular consensus seems to favor the Yankees since various demons have been exorcised and the October bats and pitches have emerged, but its really not that simple. Both teams have ace pitching, both teams have a solid middle infield, both teams have huge lineups, both teams have reliable bullpens, and let's face it both teams played hard. I will say this about the yanks: Rivera right now is a serious advantage over Lidge. Even though Lidge has been reliable this october his shaky entire year is hard to ignore, and you just have to have feel like Rivera's insider cutter will carve up the lefty heavy meat of the Phillies lineup. So basically if the Yankess have a lead after 7 innings they are winning. But how often will that happen? The Phillies can definitely put some bats on and could easily be playing with some leads...depending on the the pitching. So once again I will ignore everything else and base my prediction only on starting pitching: looks like both teams are going with three man rotations and in that case we have Lee, Martinez, and Hamels against Sabbathia, Burnett, and Pettite (in that order). Again the lefty issue with the Phillies is a weakness against CC, but if Cliff Lee strikes everyone out who cares? Martinez was deadly in his last outing and Burnett was whatever in an 8 hit 6 earned run game in Anaheim. And everyone knows the story with Hamels, there is a slight possibilty that he is dominant or he might be whatever for 5 innings. Pettitte on the other hand has been solid and would eat up a shaky Hamels start. So what does that all mean? I kind of have no idea but in my nightamres something like this happens: CC will win his game one start against Lee (in a classic) but the Angels salvage a split behind Martinez. Yankees then split in Phili with Hamels losing and Lee getting revenge. If all that stuff I completely made up happens then this goes the distance and CC shows arm fatigue in the final game and Lee wins again.
Phillies in seven. Side note: can you imagine the heat in the Bronx if Lee shuts em down for the win tonight?
"Both teams played hard...goodnight and godbless."
If Cliff Lee beaned a few more guys, I'd be calling him the white Bob Gibson. So hot right now.