"And while I will acknowledge that what Tiger did was wrong and irresponsible, my biggest problem in this situation isn’t with Tiger, it’s with his wife, Elin Woods! ... Elin had the couple’s prenuptial agreement restructured and immediately had $5 million dollars put inter her personal account – this just in order to stay in the marriage...All I’m saying is that Elin better be glad she’s married to Tiger Woods instead of Chris Brown or this whole story could’ve been reported differently!"
Excellent! First of all thank you for acknowleding that what Tiger did was wrong, we were all waiting for your confirmation. Second, its so true, she should be glad she wasn't married to Chris Brown...I mean he's right....the whole thing would be reported in a totally different way! Then what would she do?!?! I have no idea why they didn't just immediately interview Haywood right after this story broke. Someone better grab him at the next wizard's press conference and record his analysis of what it means that Obama got elected. No word yet on whether or not Haywood is replacing Tony Dungy/Morgan Freeman as the defacto wise African American man.
"Both teams played hard...goodnight and godbless."
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