How weird is this trade? Forget all the jibber jabber about which prospects went where and which prospects used to be untouchable just for a second. The trade boils down to the Phillies trading away a number one ace, and then making a second deal to bring in another number one ace. Which is definitely strange. Apparently it stems the fact that the Phillies have a policy that they want their pitchers on 3-4 year deals and nothing more, and they knew that Lee wanted something in the ballpark of his best bud Sabbathia who pulled in a 800 billion dollar deal for 15,000 years. I can understand their perspective, pitchers who inevitably will get hurt, get contracts that are way too long. But the contract they are offering Halladay (20 million a year for three years!!!) is no joke, especially since he is 32. I suppose it is less risk than offering Lee the same for 7 years (31 years old), but so much less risk that its worth giving up on Drabek? (yes now you can reinsert the prospects) I mean Drabek was one of those "untouchable" dudes and likely a reason why the Phillies stalled on a deal for Halladay before the trade deadline. But considering that it didn't take them Drabek to get Lee (well done Cleveland) and that they have suddenly reversed their position on Drabek's value is it possible that the Phillies could have had Lee AND Halladay this playoff run? Maybe, and if that was the case we might not have to suffer through an entire season of the Yanks "defending their title." Ewww.
"Both teams played hard...goodnight and godbless."
This is deep.