July 22, 2009

Breaking: LO to re-sign w/ Lake show

According to the following exclusive report, LO-who-loves-raymond-for-its-hilarity, has been offered $40 mil over 4 yrs by the lakers, and he will sign.

As a researcher in my lab astutely points out, it's really like paying him $80 mil over 4 yrs, on account of the luxury tax. But whatever, the point is lots of anxious fans about to be butt hurt over losing another beloved big man to Miami will be able to spend the rest of the summer pondering all of the possible line up combos the 'show can throw at the opposition next season.

And the LO-induced heart flutters can now go away.


  1. SNAP! well that's taken care of. Question: Is Odom a 10 million dollar talent (luxury tax etc aside)?

  2. Ignoring the luxury tax, without question. He might not be in 4 years, but oh hey

  3. yah I have to agree, I mean 10 million is not that much as far as NBA salaries go

  4. also, i've been perusing the Lake-show blogosphere lately, and there's rampant speculation that LO hasn't been offered a deal. the original source of the speculation counters that the deal is all but done. yawwwwwwwwwn too much silly drama in the LAC.
