The goods has resigned with LA, 4 years with a team option on the 4th which would bring it to a 33 million dollar total. This is slightly more than Miami was able to offer but also a shorter deal, however you break it down 8.25 million is a big bargain for Odom. 8 million is not a big NBA salary: the 5 mill range usually would suffice for whatever veterans (luke walton/vujacic) and 7 million is the big rook contract (e.g., Adam Morrison). The rest of the West was hoping on Odom bouncing back to Miami but this definitely sediments the Lakers as the favorite to come out of the conference, even in an increasingly top heavy league. As for title hopes? Sure, why not? I mean who knows what will happen with one of the East's Beasts but Oddsmakers had the Lakers winning with or without Odom. I personally wouldn't go that far but he does provide the necessary Bynum insurance, the 4 position versatility, and the third big man that makes the Lakeshow front court so hella. Also he doesn't usually drink beer but when he does he prefers dos equis. And he eats hella candy.
"Both teams played hard...goodnight and godbless."
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