During the reign of Pacman Jones, Goodell handed down a suspension for the entire 2007 season that was subsequently appealed by the NFL players association to...Roger Goodell! Marshawn Lynch went through this same process, and Brandon Marshall too, but he got some mercy from the tyrant himself.
The WorldWide Leader touches on how this seems to be a conflict of interest, and that the NFL player's union should bring this little piece of contention up at the next collective bargaining agreement negotiations. However, Goodell believes he has "been responsible with his authority." So has everyone else that got to be the appellate court to their own judgments.
So how does Goodell decide how to decide his own appeals? Magic 8-ball? Ouija? Dinking games with a Leprechuan?
yah man that guy decides too much. Most of the time I think he handles things fairly, but there are examples of how having a separate disciplinary committee would be better. I think the initial handling of the Pacman case is a good example.