Sorry Cleveland, Ron Artest is a Laker? Or at least that's what Ron Artest says and ESPN reports a three year 18 million dollar deal has been verbally agreed upon. 3 year 18 million? That sounds like the mid-level exception...which basically means goodbye Ariza. This is an aggressive move by Kupchak, he is spurning the fan favorite to sign an eccentric veteran. But as we all know fan favorite doesn't mean all-star player, in fact it usually means overrated (that's right I said overrated, JohnB just got a boner). Ariza is energetic and a tenacious defender, no doubt the qualities that make him a fan favorite. He was certainly important for the lakeshow and his playoff performance of 11.3 ppg, 1.6 steals, 2.3 assists, and 4.2 rebounds was instrumental. Instrumental, but certainly not irreplaceable. The interesting thing about Trevor is that he has always been known as an athletic prospect but a poor shooter; however he earned his affectionate nickname "Athreeza" by shooting .497 from the field and .476 from beyond the arc this postseason. Crazy percentages for a 2 guard right? Well I'm going to argue that Ariza was only able to shoot at that percentage because he was on the Lakers and was therefore getting a few wide open shots every quarter as opponents were scrambling to guard Kobe, Pau, and Odom. If he really was a reliable lights out create your own shot shooter consistently able to put up .476 from three, would he only have scored 11 ppg these playoffs? To put it in perspective, .476, if you stretched it out beyond a single playoffs and over a whole season would be the 3rd best single season 3pt % in history and Steve (worst GM ever) Kerr shot .454 career (best ever). Could he that good? Ariza is great but is a product of the Laker system no doubt.

Artest at 29 will replace and surpass what Ariza provided to the Lakeshow. Last season he posted 17 ppg, 5 boards, 3 assists, 2.5 steals, and shot a very nice .40 from three point land. There is no doubt that playing within the Lakers' system could only benefit the efficiency of Artest's production and would make it clear that Artest is basically the player that everyone else hopes Ariza may become. The main thing that has got to be worrying the Lakers fans is all those games they watched Artest jack up wild shots and basically lose the contest for the Rockets. Keep in mind however that on a McGradyless and eventually Yaoless Rocket team Adelman had to run the offense through Artest at times. Barring several injuries, the lakers will not have to do that at all. Offensive production aside, the real value of RonRon is his lockdown defense at the 2 or 3 spot, and make no mistake he is still the tits at this. This is quite a boon for the lakeshow as Kobe has traditionally expended a lot of energy guarding the opponent's best player (at least far more than other guards who elect to this only in the 4th). Could there possibly be a better closer than a RESTED Kobe Bryant? Maybe Kyra Sedgwick...maybe.
Expect the Lakers to resign Odom, Ariza to go Houston, and teams to have a lot of trouble scoring against the Lakers.
"Both teams played hard...goodnight and godbless."
Apparently Ariza has already agreed with Houston, how bout that.
ReplyDeleteTrevor was a fan favorite, it's true, but I think RonRon will be too. LA is totally down with weird celebrity characters, I think it's no accident that Artest lives there in the offseason, it's just a good place for these type of people. And, in terms of on-court it is no question a big upgrade, the ONLY uncertainty is lots of chucking up wild shots, well if he does that Phil will have him sitting down quick (waving him to the bench with 2 rings on each finger). And w/ his BFF Kobe, Pau, assistant coach Fisher and (hopefully) Odom, all strong willed guys and very united as a team at this point, Artest will def fit in. It is sort of like the Celtics thinking they could tame Starbury with their amazing levels of Ubuntuness, except with the addition of him not sucking at basketball. Plus Artest has already mellowed a lot. In sum I think his personality is great for the Lake Show.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, my gf just bought Ariza's jersey...so that's not cool. But, back on the original hand again, now my chances of losing my gf to Trevor Ariza have dropped considerably.
I still can't believe GD dropped a Kyra Sedwick shoutout and hasn't been called out on it yet. That's almost as much fail as Sedwick's interview during that Laker home playoff game.
ReplyDeleteshe may be huge fail but she's still the closer on tnt, and they know drama. recognize.
ReplyDeleteyou forgot... and expect the Celtics to win the title