August 5, 2009

Delonte West: Unbelievable & Precedented

Obviously if you were stoned out of your mind, an NBA player, and inexplicably waiting 18 minutes for chicken at KFC the first thing you would do is "freestyle" about the experience. Best lines:

"Hot sauce in my bag...extra, hot sauce in my bag...extra."

"Chi-chi-potle, Chi-chi-potle, you get burrito beans by Chipotle....You get some juice not get no hot sauce, shit they'll eat Chipotle like a boss."

Cleveland Cavaliers: 2010 NBA Champions, guaransheed it.

"Both teams played hard...goodnight and godbless."


  1. my favorite tv show? everybody loves raymond. i don't catch it, but it's hilarious

  2. I think this confirms D West as one of the weirder human beings on the planet
