August 17, 2009

Tom Cable Will Break Your Face

Tom Cable, esteemed coach of the Oakland Raiders, reportedly sucker punched assistant coach Randy Hanson and broke his jaw. IN YOUR FACE assistant coach so and so!!!! This is what you get!!! This is what you get for questioning why John Goodman is your coach. This is quite awesome, I mean can you imagine lame ass Lane Kiffin doing this? I was always curious why Al Davis was into Cable but now its obvious...he is a dick, has an incredible fist-fourty time, and sure as hell doesn't roll on the shabbos.

"Both teams played hard...goodnight and godbless."


  1. honestly, this was probably a smarter move than drafting Heyward-Bey 7th overall...

  2. nice spelling of shabbos G, very yiddish and authentic

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Playa pleez. Lane Kiffin couldn't punch his way out of a wet paper bag.
