Athletes used to know how to respond to having a beverage thrown at them. That's all I am saying. Shane Victorino got doused with a Miller Lite at Wrigley last night while he was making a play, and his response was to file a complaint with the Chicago Cops and say, ""[The beer thrower is] probably at home laughing right now. I just think he should be held accountable, that's it, nothing more than that. He should be held accountable, that's it ... but it is what it is. It's not like the first time I've seen it happen [at a ballpark]." It is what it is, Shane? How that statement protects athletes from getting soaked in the future, I do not know. What I do know is that athletes used to know how to come back on 'em. And that's essential. A pitcher plunks your guy, you plunk one of their guys to show that your team will not be plunked at will. A fan throws a beverage at you, you go find him and punch him in the face to show that players will not have beverages thrown at them. It's just the social economy of the game, and it frosts me when these young pansies don't recognize it.
nor is he a Boston Bruin:
Players climb into the stands and fight with the NYR fans. Mike Milbury then takes a fan's show off and beats him with it.
Proving that baseball players are in fact pansies compared to their hockey and basketball counterparts
I meant the fan's shoe (orthopod no spell good).