August 31, 2009

New limit on meathead work hours?

To all those opposed to limiting resident work hours to 80 hours per week: time to turn your attention elsewhere.

If you are so concerned about human welfare, so worried about doctors in training not being competent enough to "help people" with a mere 80 hours per week under their belt, then you must be panicking about the NCAA's investigation into work hours among people who actually do help other people - football players. Let's face it, football, not doctors, and the players who make it worth watching make the world go round. We cry when the Super Bowl is over, and we are kids in a candy store come Fantasy Draft Day. That's right, football players do more for you and me than any doctor. So let them work, and let them be good at it.

Yesterday current and former players at the University of Michigan told the Detroit Free Press that their practice hours far exceeded the maximum 20 hours per week during the season and 8 hours per week during the off-season. 20 and 8? Are you kidding me? Do you ungrateful bastards know why you came to the University of Michigan, the winningest college football program in history? To become a pro football player and have a degree from the top public school in the country (whatever Berkeley, UVA, UNC, relax) as a back-up if you're not a total idiot. Not a bad deal. So stop your bitching and play the damn game.

As Chad Henne responded, being a player at a top program requires going above and beyond any defined NCAA limit on practice hours. It requires having the individual drive, motivation and pride to study and practice on your own, independently.

So listen up you weak anonymous sources that contributed to this article that never should have been written. Many of you were part of the first losing season at Michigan in 40 years. And now you're complaining about working too hard? Your names should be handed over to coaches and you should have your scholarships revoked. I've never felt more confident in Rich-Rod knowing that he is working your asses off. Last I checked, this was still football, not some notoriously queer Ann Arbor tea party.

Beat Western.


  1. I mean when your team/player is caught cheating, you usually feel something. If it was PED you feal cheated, if it was a recruiting violation you feel annoyed, if it was a gameplay violation you feel ashamed. But its hard to care about your team practicing too much, especially when they really really need the practice. I mean seriously....we're takin' 'bout practice? PRACTICE? We're not takin' 'bout a game...we're takin' 'bout PRACTICE?

  2. Yeah, the timing is bizarre. I guess rules are rules and the Big Ten is obligated to enforce them. But, it's like, if someone leaked the fact that the Cleveland Browns engaged in some opponent sideline spying last season? I think the rest of the NFL would encourage them to keep on cheating, just like the rest of the Big Ten encourages Michigan to keep on practicing if it leads to the same results.
