You are reading correctly, The Main Line Animal Rescue is putting out a price on Mike Vick's head. According to this ad in the Washington post every time that Vick is tackled during his October 26th game against the Redskins the Animal Rescue dudes will donate 5 bags of dog food to a D.C. animal shelter. HA! I don't know if anyone at the shelter watches football or not but its hard to imagine that NFL defensive linemen or line backers really need any extra motivation to tackle a quarterback, I mean its basically all that they are about. In any case, despite its futility, I find it pretty funny that the animal shelter is attempting to incite violence against a man because of his previous violent crimes. BTW what does:
"Because there are no second chances on an empty stomach." mean anyways? Are they saying that they are going if you don't tackle Vick then they won't feed the dogs, and when the dogs die cause you couldn't tackle Vick they will put out a fatwa against you instead? I hope so...the skins defense is going to be buzzing for that game baby.
"Both teams played hard...goodnight and godbless."
What if they tackle him after the whistle? Or on the sideline? Or in the parking lot after the game? Shouldn't that count? There's something they wouldn't otherwise be motivated to do.