Ouch! After playing in the national title game and retaining the Heisman Trophy winner the Sooners had plenty to look forward to this season...and it all went up in a puff of smoke. Bradford, who was planted hard by linebacker Coleby Clawson was left the game as the second half dwindled and Oklahoma didn't have the moxie to hold off the Mormons. As for Bradford we won't know the extent of his injury for a while but I'm sure he's wondering about his decision to come back to college. In fact this is exactly what we were talking about on the blog a week ago. A Heisman trophy winner who played with the highest level of competition in record-breaking fashion should always go pro. He could have easily been the #1 pick this year, but now we'll have to see how this season and his shoulder pan out. If everything works out maybe he misses a game or two, the Sooners scrape in a bid and win a bowl game, and Bradford still goes in the top 10 next year. Worst comes to worse? Bradford just flushed hella millions away.
"Both teams played hard...goodnight and godbless."
On one level I want to criticize Bradford et al. for not turning pro, and point out that we are looking at the risk that these guys run by coming back for another year. But on another level, it seems tragic. These young players probably can’t conceptualize the risk they are taking. They play in these college football towns in college football states where there is big pressure for them to come back. They know that they will get more media coverage as a Heisman candidate than they would as a rookie NFL clipboard holder. Each of these returning players made a lot of people happy when they decided to come back, whereas the biggest beneficiary of Mark Sanchez turning pro is Mark Sanchez. I’m curious to know how Tebow and McCoy are reacting to Bradford’s injury. Knowing Tebow, he probably thinks his intensity protects him from injury